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May 3, 2022

Go beyond the classroom and explore Japan’s culture at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

赌钱app可以微信提现是该地区唯一开设日语课程的社区学院之一, and that’s just the beginning.

有兴趣了解日本的学生可以出国留学, 加入日本会话表,参加每年举行的Heartland日语比赛.

Study Abroad in Japan!


从交换项目和实习机会到假期去日本著名城市旅行, students have multiple ways to explore Japan through 赌钱app可以微信提现.

助理教授Kotoko Grass将带领我们的游戏开发和网页设计团队前往东京 & Digital Media departments.

这些领域的专业参与者将被介绍到日本的职业机会,并参观游戏和网页开发工作室. 他们还将参加一门旨在帮助初学者学习日语会话的语言课程. 该课程名为“真正初学者日语会话”,将于2024年春季开课.

“During their stay in Tokyo, participants will go to a language school in the morning, enjoy cultural activities and sightseeing in the afternoon, and stay with host families in the evening,” said Grass. “这将是一次丰富多彩的、有趣的、有教育意义的留学经历!”

Japanese Conversation Table

Participate in the Japanese Conversation Table, 每隔一个星期天下午3点到4点在赌钱app可以微信提现的比灵顿图书馆举行的非正式社交聚会.m. Students, 喜欢说日语的教授和社区朋友来这里练习他们的语言技能并参加有趣的活动.

Grass hosts with help from Yuki Ochi, a former Japanese tutor; interested attendees can reach out to Grass for additional information at

“Depending on the student's proficiency, 我准备了不同类型的活动,这些活动需要用到与我的语言水平相适应的语言技能,” said Grass. “日本小吃是赢得游戏和活动的奖品.”

Grass also uses the table to host cultural workshops. In Fall 2021, she invited a Japanese Yosakoi dance team. More recently, 她为想要将作品提交给哈特兰日语比赛的学生们举办了书法讲习班和日本诗歌讲习班. Her efforts paid off.

“I am so proud that many of our students won the first, 书法、诗歌比赛二等奖、季军,” she said.

The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Professor Who Started the Language Contest

For over 20 years, 黛安·多尔蒂是Heartland日语大赛的策划者.

“我在肖尼国际研究中心教日语的第一年, 我和其他几个地区的日语老师合作,为日语学习者建立了一个比赛,” she said.


Recently, 比赛开始提供书法和唐卡的邮寄活动, a genre of classical Japanese poetry, along with the in-person events. 另外还有三个活动,学生可以通过数字方式提交他们的作品, as well as two online quizzes open to participants.

“这扩大了我们的报名范围,包括来自伊利诺伊州学校的学生, Iowa and Oklahoma, along with entries from Kansas and Missouri,” Daugherty said.

International relations student Nathan Spickelmier, 谁在唐卡类别中获得第二名,在虚拟测验中获得第一名, is already looking forward to next year’s event.

“我真的很喜欢日语比赛,”内森说. “这让我有机会看到我在学习英语方面取得了多大的进步. 比赛也是一个认识新朋友的好地方,他们和我一样对日语感兴趣.”

Tristan Curtin, who placed second in the calligraphy category, enjoys meeting language learners from other schools.

他说:“有很多学校参加了会议,我很高兴看到这么多文化交流。. “这次活动丰富了日本的语言和文化,这对我将来来说是非常宝贵的.”

Bringing Japanese Culture to the Classroom


“我学过插花,并在1992年获得了插花教师证书,” she said. “我还学习了茶道、书法和和服的研究.”

Because culture and language often go hand in hand, 多尔蒂努力将她在赌钱app可以微信提现的教学中学到的东西包括在内.

She added, “我喜欢强调这些文化见解,并在课堂上提供额外的学习和讨论机会.”

Learn Japanese at 赌钱app可以微信提现

希望学习日语,扩大你的文化理解,甚至在日本留学? Then 赌钱app可以微信提现 is the place to be! Learn more about our Japanese program and enroll today!